Unordered List

Monday, April 30, 2012

How to Add Search Description for Your Blog in Blogger

What is your blog about? It could a personal diary where you write your personal stuff or could be following a specific niche or broad topic. However did you ever think about telling people what is your blog about? Generally, blog description is a concise description about your blog and it defines the purpose of your blog. Why it is so important? Usually people land on your blog viareferrals may doesn't really care about your blog description. Do they? They just interest about your content and if they inspired by your content, they will follow and come back to your blog. But people finding information via web search will probably give the description beneath your blog title in search results a look before they dig in to your blog. So meaningful and relevant blog description is necessary for people to find your blog useful for their requirements. Don't you have a blog description for your blog yet?

Just indicating your blog description using text or at settings doesn't helpful for search engines to identify it as your blog description. You need to tell search engines about your blogdescription to display it underneath your blog title in search results. That's how it becomes a search description or snippet which displays in search results. Below is a snapshot of how my blog appears on Google search results.




Before You Go:
You need to check your template for the availability of below code snippet in it. If it's not available in your template, add it right after <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/> line of code.
Note: If you don't know how to view and edit your template,

<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard.
2. Click on your Blog Title.
3. Navigate to Settings tab from left pane.
4. Now jump to sub option Search preferences.
5. Find option Description under Meta tags heading and click Edit link correspond to it.
6. Now set option Yes for setting Enable search description?.

7. Now add your blog description in the respective text area.

Note: Make sure your blog description doesn't exceed 150 character limit.

8. Click on Save changes button.
Enjoy :-)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Facebook Page – get your own Facebook URL name

1. Go to - I don’t know why it’s called that.

I’ve already set my personal account to be

– this is how you do Business Pages, Fan Page, Brand Pages or whatever they are called now.


2. Now click Set Username for your Pages – you’ll get a list of your pages.


You can also add URL names for Applications, not just Pages.


3. Make sure you spell your brand name correctly.




Ah well, if you found this useful, please become a fan of Entertainment? <— see? :P

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to Disable Right click in Blogger

Have you noticed, that some web sites do not allow their visitors using right mouse click while pointer is on the blog area. This option is useful for the site and blog owners, who want to minimize the possibilities of the content direct copying to other posts.

right click disable copy How to Disable Right click in Blogger / Blogspot ?

Right click on any internet browser is very important element and we must use it when it comes to copy or editing texts and etc. It’s very important when it comes to webmasters too. but some people may use it in a bad way, and you may want to make click right disabled on your blog. to protect you text, images links and etc.

To setup this tool in your blog Copy the Following code and paste it to your blog by adding a new page element.

Step 1 : Go to Dashboard > Layout > Add Gadget > HTML / JavaScript

Step 2 : Copy the Below Script and paste it in that blogger widget.


<script language=JavaScript>

//Disable right mouse click Script
//By Being Geeks
//For full source code, visit

var message="Function Disabled!";

function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

// -->


Step 3 : Save the html/javascript and view you blog.

When you will try to do right click, a message will tell you that “Function disabled” , and if you want to change this words” Function Disabled” Then simply find it in code and replace it.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Add Stylish Navigation Menu To Blogger

Navigation menu ,one of the most important gadget in blog . Navigation menu help to you access your blog category pages, and your blog readers can easy to access your category pages. So now we going to show you how to add stylish animated navigation menu to blogger/blogspot. This navigation menu make your blog attractive and stylish blog.

1. Simple and very easy to add
2. Menu with mouse hover effect and awesome look
3. Easy to add Links and use.

How To Add Navigation Menu To Blogger/Blogspot

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard by click here >Design >Edit HTML
2. Copy the below code and paste before </head>

<style type='text/css'>

ul#topnav {

margin: 10px 0 20px;

padding: 0;

list-style: none;

font-size: 1.1em;

clear: both;

float: left;

width: 99%;


ul#topnav li{

margin: 0;

padding: 0;

overflow: hidden;

float: left;



ul#topnav a, ul#topnav span {

padding: 10px 20px;

float: left;

text-decoration: none;

color: #fff;

text-transform: uppercase;

clear: both;

height: 20px;

line-height: 20px;

background: #1d1d1d;


ul#topnav a { color: #7bc441; }

ul#topnav span {

display: none;


ul#topnav.v2 span{

background: url( repeat-x left top;


ul#topnav.v2 a{

color: #555;

background: url( repeat-x left bottom;



<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>

<script type='text/javascript'>

$(document).ready(function() {

$(&quot;#topnav li&quot;).prepend(&quot;<span/>&quot;); //Throws an empty span tag right before the a tag

$(&quot;#topnav li&quot;).each(function() { //For each list item...

var linkText = $(this).find(&quot;a&quot;).html(); //Find the text inside of the a tag

$(this).find(&quot;span&quot;).show().html(linkText); //Add the text in the span tag


$(&quot;#topnav li&quot;).hover(function() { //On hover...


marginTop: &quot;-40&quot; //Find the span tag and move it up 40 pixels

}, 250);

} , function() { //On hover out...


marginTop: &quot;0&quot; //Move the span back to its original state (0px)

}, 250);







4. Then click SAVE TEMPLATE

5. Once again go to Design tab >Page Elements >Add Gadget > HTML/Java Script

6. Copy the below code and paste it





<div class="container">
<ul id="topnav" class="v2"><center>
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Download</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Internet</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Facebook</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Google</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Advertise</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact us</a></li>


Important :- Replace # with your Link and change title your wish.. Save it

Share and Enjoy!

Making popup windows


Popup windows are a very useful feature for websites. They can help you to give prominence to something on your site that your user may not see otherwise. Maybe you want them to subscribe to your newsletter, or you are linking to another site and you want that your visitors stay on your site while visiting the other, then you use a popup window.

Popup windows are called with the method. This method accepts three arguments; the url to open in the new window, the name of the window, and a string with the window properties separated by comas. Lets see an example:

<script language=”JavaScript”>‘’, ‘mywindow’, ‘width=500,height=300,’)

on the above example is the page we want to visit; mywindow the name of the window to host the url; and width=500,height=300 is the desired dimension of the window. Note that if you open several windows with the name mywindow, each page will be added on the same window one after the other. Some useful values that can be placed on the name argument are _blank (which opens a blank window; and _self which opens the page on the window thatis calling it. Note also that if you don’t specify any url an empty window will be opened.

The following table list the properties that can be defined:



You can open a new window after a user takes an action on your site, like clicking on a link. Check the following example.


<script language=”JavaScript”>
function popup()
{‘’, ‘mywindow’, ‘width=400,height=200,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes’)
<A HREF=“” onClick=“return popup()”>Popup example</A>


What we have done in the above example is to attach our popup code to a function.

The function is called whenever someone clicks on the link by using the onClick event of the link.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How to change URL of your blog

Steps to change a blog's URL (web address) in Blogger:
1. log into Dashboard
2. click on the relevant blog
3. click SETTINGS tab
5. edit url (see screenshot above. Place where you type the new URL is indicated by cursor (arrow) and also "Type new URL here" in red

Remember to save settings.

Your success will depend on whether the URL has already been taken up or not.
NOTE: Remember, if you changed the URL of your blog, any existing incoming links will become dead link. If your blog is relatively new, that may not be a problem, but if your blog has been on the Web for a long time, your blog will already have been indexed by search engines, and you will have to wait to be indexed by the search engines all over again, and for some time, people searching for content in your blog will get links that lead nowhere. You will lose your PageRank and will have to wait a long time to get a meaningful PageRank for blog with the new URL. People may have linked to your blog or posts and all these will become dead links. Further, there have been lots of reports of bloggers who deleted their blog or changed its URL. Sploggers grab the now available URL and use them for dubious uses the worst of which is pornography. This will be extremely embarrassing for you if your family, relatives, friends, colleagues, etc., have your old URL.
So if yours is an old blog, think very carefully before you change the URL. If you insist on doing it, I would suggest immediately try to re-register your old URL and use it to redirect the old blog to the new blog URL.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Top Ad providers beside Google Adsense


Earn Money with your Blog/Website


I Have came across many Advertising Companies Who provides ads for your website/blog and also let Owner of Website/blog Earn Money.I have listed out some of them.You can make Money by simply creating a Free account and Publishing Their ads in Your Website/blog.

Top 10 Ad providers beside Google Adsense:-


  1. AdBrite
  3. Bidvertiser
  4. Chitika
  5. Infolinks
  6. Pocket Cents
  7. Kontera
  8. Clicksor
  9. Exit Junction
  10. Dynamic Oxygen
  11. AdBull

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Displaying javacode or Html code in Between Blog Post

Displaying javacode or Html code in Blogger is really a Big challange For New Bloggger Beta But after reading this post all you problem about posting code in blogger will be solved.If you are New to blogger beta i recommend you to read the basic of blogger hack, this Post will help you in playing with Template Html Code in blogger.First you need to put Css code in yours Template ,

To Insert Css Code In Blogger Log In Blogger >> Layout >>> Template –> Edit HTML Now Inser below Code in <body> Tag as shown in below iMage.

border:1px solid #A6B0BF;
color:#000000 }
pre:hover {
border:1px solid #efefef;
code {
color: #000000;}
.clear { clear:both;

After putting Above code in Template Save the Template :) Now Important Part of Blog start Here .When ever you Insert JavaCode or any other code in Blog Post In Blogger or in WordPress Use Either<pre>Tag Or<code> Tag Before The Code as Shown in below Example

<pre> Your Post Code Goes Here </pre>
<code>Your Post Code Goes Here</code>

Important-The Code you Insert In Between <pre> Tag Or <code> Tag must be edited using Postable ,Postable is best and easy way to convert code into Html mode by making yours code Friendly to post ,so that there is no change in code After the code is publish in post. Postable is very easy to use just copy the code and paste in postable box and click make it Friendly .In short Postable Convert code in character entities, Visit below Table to know more about character entities.Note – When ever you Post Code In Post ,Use HTML mode to insert code ,if you Dont understand see below Image for more clarification. about posting Code In post.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How To Hack A Website – Funny Trick


How to hack Google or Facebook?

This is probably a Million Dollar Question. Also that sounds funny. Because even the Larry Page, CEO of Google doesn’t know the answer for this question. Because Webmasters give much preference for the security of their pages. Although some hackers are intelligent enough to hack small websites or Blogs as they will not be that secured.

But here is a trick from which you can hack any website on the internet and alter anything in that. And I can assure you that you can do it within 10 seconds! But the funny thing is that by this trick you can only edit the website virtually and not in real. I mean You can edit any website but it will not effect the code of the website or its other components. It will only be edited in your browser.


google powered by

Open any website in Google Chrome browser, or in Mozilla Firefox and enter the below code to the address bar of the browser.

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

Now , You can move your mouse cursor to anywhere inside the website and click a text and edit it as you wish. You can also alter/delete images as well. Isn’t it fun? Enjoy with the trick. Do not forget to share this on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

How to Import Your Yahoo! Mail Messages and Contacts Into Gmail

  • If you have previously imported mail, click Import from another address.
  • Type your Yahoo! Mail address under What account do you want to import from?.
  • Click Continue.
  • Enter your Yahoo! Mail password under Enter the password for
  • Click Continue.
  • Make sure Import contacts and Import mail are checked.
  • To have messages that arrive at your Yahoo! Mail address automatically appear in your Gmail inbox for a month, check Import new mail for next 30 days.
  • Optionally, check Add label to all imported mail:.
  • This label lets you easily spot all imported mail in one place. You can always remove the label from individual messages later or delete it altogether.
  • Messages imported from Yahoo! Mail folders other than your Inbox will automatically get a label derived from the folder name. All mail imported from your Yahoo! Mail "Clients" folder will bear the "Migrated/Clients" label after import, for example.
  • Mail in your Drafts, Trash and Spam folders will not be imported.
  • All messages and contacts will of course still be available in Yahoo! Mail after the import has finished.
  • Click Start import.
  • Click OK

How to Convert MP3 Into a HTML Code

Digital music files are popular additions to web pages, especially social networking sites. Before music can be streamed online, it must be converted to a compatible file format. MP3 is the most common file type for music, due to its small compression size and cross platform accessibility. Different types of MP3 converter software or CD rippers are available online for free. Once music files have been successfully converted, MP3s can be added to HTML documents or web-based media players


1. Convert music files to MP3 format. Other extensions such as WMA or CDA will not load to the Internet effectively.

2. Upload MP3s from a local computer to the Internet through a website hosting account. The MP3s must be loaded onto the web before inclusion in HTML code.

3. Once the file is posted to the internet, copy and paste the URL address. The web address for the MP3 file can be accessed in two ways: click the file to open it in a new browser window then copy and paste the address that appears in the web browser or right click the MP3 file and choose "copy shortcut" from the submenu.

The address should look something like this:

4. Open a new document in Notepad or another HTML editor. Paste the code into the document for reference.

5. Attach the MP3 to a link so that users can easily download it. For example, type the following HTML code within Notepad:

<a href="">Download this song</a>

6. To test the link, save the Notepad document as an html page. Click "File" then choose "Save as" from the submenu. In the file name box, type test.html. Under "Save as type" click "All files." Save the page to the desktop.

7. Open the HTML page on the desktop in Internet Explorer. Click the MP3 link. If a download box appears and the file opens within a media player, the HTML code is correct.


Chrome web store introduces Offline Google Mail as a breakthrough to simplify the user's browser Google Chrome to access your Gmail account without having to connect to the internet. Applications designed to access the offline synchronization of email messages when users Google Chrome in the online condition. This feature is very useful especially when we are difficulties accessing the internet.

Before beginning, the very first step is to install the Google Chrome browser. After that, follow these steps:
1. Open Gmail, then enter your username and password
2. Go to Google Chrome, then open Chrome Web Store
3. In the search box, enter the keyword Offline Gmail, then select the Offline Gmail application.
4. Click ADD TO CHROME, then install the application
5. If the application is installed, open a new tab. So Gmail Offline icon visible
6. Click the icon to start using Offline Gmail offline gmail.



Some of the Web Site or Blog implement right-click protection. So, We can not copy the text that we need on the web. This was deliberately done to prevent the text in the web, in the copy and paste. In my opinion, such protection, are less effective in protecting copyrights, because there are many roads to open up the right-click protection.

In addition, the disable right click will cause the web are not familiar, so lacking in love visitors, because the right-click is one of the facilities that support comfort in the surf. If our writing in the copy and paste someone else without including the original source, we should report it to Google as spam.
There are several ways to copy the article on the protected We, that is byDisable java script program. Disable right click on a web typically involves scripting (javascript), then we can stop off for protection, with the steps as below:

a. Internet Explorer
1) On the Menu Navigation Click: Tools - Internet Options
2) Select In: Security Tab - Custom Level
3) Scroll Down until you find "Active Scripting" and click "Disable"
4) Press the Ok button.
b. Mozilla Firefox
1) In the Navigation Menu Click: Tools - Options
2) Then click: Content tab, Un-check "Enable JavaScript"
3) Ok
c. Google Chrome
1) In Google Chrome shortcut, right click -> Select Properties.
2) In the textbox field "Targeted file", add "-disable-java" on the back.
"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.SNAKE\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe "-disable-javascript
d. Opera
1) Click the Tools menu and then select "Quick Preferences"
2) Then remove checkmark on the "Enable Javascript".
e. Safari
1) On the Edit menu,
2) Select the Preferences menu
3) On the Security menu, remove the check mark on enable javascript.
In addition to the steps above, we can also right-click to open protection with the following steps:
• Download Website to file an HTML file, save web pages to the computer, then open it offline then the script protection will not work. To save a page can be done by clicking the menu "File" then "Save Page As ..." select the directory and save storage.
• Open Page Source. Page source is the source of the page containing the language of html pages that we are open. Articles that exist on the page, also listed on Page Source. Open Page Source by clicking View Menu on the Browser. And then press the Page Source. Some browsers use the term Source Code.


Many people think that Javascript is language that allows you to just make the web alone. In fact, JavaScript function is also a full language of sensation. JavaScript has many secrets that will only be revealed to them that have high curiosity.

Javascript turned out to also be used to detect a fake web page or a phishing site. This is important, especially if you're going to do a transaction with a secret code, such as banking accounts, emails, facebook and others.
The following javascript code, will notify you if the page you're visiting is a fake page. How, paste the following code into your browser address bar when visiting a web. Pop-up screen will appear telling you whether the website is genuine or not.
Here is the Javascript code:
javascript:alert("The actual URL is:\t\t" + location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + "/" + "\nThe address URL is:\t\t" + location.href + "\n" + "\nIf the server names do not match, this may be a spoof.");


WS FTP is an FTP client program that is quite familiar with the function to upload and download files through a FTP Protocol (File Transfer Protocol). Beside WS_fTP, there are also some software that work with the same function such as CuteFTP, TurboFTP and others.

As a Client program that allows a client computer to upload files to the server, WS_FTP on the complete protection system with username and password. So, ftp server protected from unresponsible user.
One WS_FTP weakness is save account user all with username ang password in ws_ftp.ini file. Unfortunately, this file can be accessed easily using notepad. However, the password encrypt (hide in the character code).
See the following code found in the ws_ftp.ini like : PWD=VE0B0670A04297D09698219544F7A4E52709272946C6C6638
The code after PWD = is the account password that store in a file ws_ftp.ini. To display the original password, here's the method :
1. Search ws_ftp.ini file with Google Sarch Engine by typing : filetype:ini WS_FTP PWD (search for the server that stores files ws_ftp.ini) or can be "index of /" "ws_ftp.ini" and some of the other Google Hack as many spread on the internet. Or have direct access to the computer server physical to steal ws_ftp.ini file.
2. Visit decipherskull. Copy the code PWD= in the file ws_ftp.ini and paste in the box dencrypted. Do not forget, copy from PWD = until the end of the code. Press the Dechiper button on the site. The password will be visible.
Usually, ws_ftp file, including direct account with the hidden username, to be easy to get.

Stealing Passwords With Computer Cookies

Computers are one of the media to explore cyberspace. In the computer are some informations that we can learn, especially recovering confidential information stored on the computer. One of them is a username and password to run commands on a web. Typically, the important information is stored in a file named Cookie.

A cookie is a file containing information that recorded by a browser and stored in a special directory in a computer. Cookies function is to recognize users when visit a web. When visiting a home page, the site will use the Cookie information to run a command.
The amount of information stored in these cookies so many and varied, including user username and password.
Stealing a account in this tutorial will use a tool called the Multi Password Recovery 1.1.5 by Alexandr Demchenko. This utility is usually used to recover lost or forgotten passwords to try by reading informations in the Cookie file. Although its function is very good, but we can use it to unpack the files come in to find your cookie stored.
The accounts that can be stolen by Multi Password Recovery are FTP account, Email Client, Instant Messengers and Browsers. In some trials, Mozilla Firefox could escape. However, there are other ways of dismantling the information Cookies Mozilla Firefox.

The steps are:
1. Download Multi Password Recovery 1.1.5 Portable edition here
2. Extract Rar files to a folder and then We go into the folder where the Multi Password Recovery extract results are stored
3. Run MPR.exe file with double click.
Multi Password Recovery window displays information such as Windows Explorer. Click the Password Audit to display weak accounts. In the Browser folder, MPR will display passwords from the Browser notes.
To Anticipate
To anticipate the passwords stolen through the techniques above, clean cookies exploration on the internet by the following steps:
In Mozilla Firefox select Tools menu> Clear Private Data. Check the "Cookies" and press the "Clear Private Data Now".
In Windows Explorer (Internet Explorer version 7), select the Tools menu>> Delete Browsing History, then click on the "Delete Cookies".
At the Opera Browser, select Tools>> Delete Private Data and click the "Delete" Button
In Google Chrome Browser, select Tools / Settings>> Clear Browsing Data and click on the "Clear Browsing Data"

Create Anti Virus With Notepad

There are simple ways to clean viruses in our computers. We can make your own antivirus with software built using the Windows named Notepad. Apart from minor product files, notepad can save files to a variety of other applications programs, such as html, java script and so on.

However, the virus that can be eliminated by our anti-virus is only a low level as macro viruses and an equal. For heavy virus, would have to use anti-virus that is more powerful. However, these tutorials can teach you the basic knowledge about how the anti-virus.
Type the following code into Notepad:

@ echo off
echo off turn off the active virus
taskkill / F / IM virusname1.exe / IM virusname2.exe
echo Deleting all of viruses based on size
for / RC: \%% a in (*. exe) do if%% ~ za 157,184 equ del / A: HSRA "%% a"
echo deleting hidden virus
echo for drive c and subfolders
for / R C: \%% a in (*. doc.exe) do del "%% a"
echo for drive d and subfolders
for / R D: \%% a in (*. doc.exe) do del "%% a"
echo Unhide Document
cd / d c: \
echo for drive C and subfolders
*. doc attrib-H-S-A / S
cd / d d: \
echo for drive D and subfolders
*. doc attrib-H-S-A / S
Save the file with bat extension, For example antivirus.bat. then go to command prompt and run the Notepad file.

Create Your Own Anti-Virus Program

Ever wanted to create your own anti-virus program? Follow this tutorial and you will got your own anti-virus in a few minutes.
Visual basic 2008 express edition needed!

First, let’s start a new project and put a listbox and a button on your form. Insert the following code in the click event of your button:



If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(”c:Program Files180search Assistant”) Then ListBox1.Items.Add(”Adware.180Search”)


‘ This will add the item ‘Adware.180search to the listbox if c:Program files180search Assistant exists. If you want to search for a file you will have to do this:


If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(”c:Program Files180search Assistantsomething”) Then ListBox1.Items.Add(”Adware.180Search”)

‘ So if you want to search for a directory you have to use DirectoryExists, and if you want to search for a file you have to use FileExists.

Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

Congratulations! You created an anti-virus that scans for files or folders. If you want to have an anti-virus that scans for processes, you will have to use this code: (Remember to type the process with uppercase characters!)


strFoundProcess =

Dim AllProcessDim ProcessDim strFoundProcessFalse

AllProcess = GetObject(


strFoundProcess =

For Each Process In AllProcess.InstancesOf(”Win32_process”) If (InStr(UCase(Process.Name), “THEPROCESS.EXE“) = 1) Then ListBox1.Items.Add(”THENAMEOFTHEVIRUS“) True Exit For End If Next If strFoundProcess = False Then End If

AllProcess =



strFoundProcess =


AllProcess = GetObject(


If (InStr(UCase(Process.Name), “THEPROCESS.EXE“) = 1) Then


strFoundProcess =

THENAMEOFTHEVIRUS“)True Exit For End If Next If strFoundProcess = False Then End If

AllProcess =


For Each Process In AllProcess.InstancesOf(”Win32_process”)

You only need to that once! After you did that once, you can use this code:


AllProcess = GetObject(


‘create object For Each Process In AllProcess.InstancesOf(”Win32_process”)

‘Get all the processes running in your PC If (InStr(UCase(Process.Name), “AUPDATE.EXE”) = 1) Then

‘Made all uppercase to remove ambiguity. Replace TASKMGR.EXE with your application name in CAPS.




strFoundProcess =




NextIf strFoundProcess = False



AllProcess =


Congrats! You completed this tutorial and know how to create your own anti-virus!

strFoundProcess =




How to make a video wallpaper- Windows

Do you want to see movie while doing work on your computer…if YES then you can do it by making that movie as your background wallpaper. Now we shall learn in this tutorial how to do it…
  • Click on START>all programs>Microsoft office>MS Front-page
  • Start a new page.
  • Right click on page>page properties>advanced
  • Set all the margins to 0 and click on OK.
  • Click on Insert>picture>video.
  • Now browse the movie or video clip which you want to set as your desktop background.
  • Now right click on that video on that page and go to Picture Properties>Video
  • Now select Repeat forever.
  • Now go to Appearance and set specific size as your screen resolution and click on OK.
  • Save that file.
  • Close MS Front-page.
  • Right click on Desktop>properties>desktop>browse.
  • Now that file where you have saved and click on open.
  • Click on apply and now enjoy the movie while working on PC.
I hope that you will find this trick interesting and useful.

How to make a simple Trojan Virus

Want to make fun with your friends with doing a simple hack on their computer…YES, Now let us learn how to make a simple Trojan Virus in the PC and believe it really doesn't harm the PC as it is just a simple hack but just running that file make your PC to shutdown. So, What are you waiting for…just follow the steps and have fun..


  • Right click on Desktop.

  • Go to NEW>Shortcut

  • Type in Location shutdown –s –t 50 –c “Trojan Virus Activated”

  • Click on Next.

  • Type the name whatever you want to give it such as Internet Explorer.

  • Click on Finish.

  • Congratulations your new hack is ready to work.

  • If you want it EXTREMELY convincing to the user just right click that file.

  • Go to Properties>Shortcut>Change Icon.

  • Choose an appropriate Icon so you can make the user to RUN that file.

Now by just Running that file the System will be forced to Shutdown. It is not harmful for your PC it is just to have fun. By deleting that file you can make your PC normal as before…I hope that you will try this hack and find this interesting.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Move Your Blogs from Blogger to WordPress The Easy Way

If you have been planning to migrate your blog from Blogger to Wordpress but found the whole process of importing blogger posts with comments into Wordpress too technical and complicated, here's a very good news for you.
You can now move all blogs posts and comments from your Blogger account into your WordPress blog with the click of a button - it's so simple that even mom can do it as long as her blog is hosted on the new Blogger platform.

Move from Blogger to Wordpress and self-hosted Worpress 2.2 installations ship default with a free Blogger Importer plugin that can be accessed from your Wordpress dashboard (Manage -> Import -> Blogger)
All you have to do is authorize Wordpress to use your Google account and Wordpress will display a list of blogs associated with Blogger account. Select the blog that you like to import in blogger and click import. Voila!
All your posts, comments, categories (Blogger labels) and users will be visible in Wordpress in few minutes depending on the size of your Blogger Blog.
Even if you have no plans to switch from Blogger to Wordpress, this is still an excellent option to create a backup of all the posts and comments from the Blogger blog.
For Geeks: This Wordpress-Blogger Importer will not change anything in your Blogger hosted blog - neither the timestamp formats nor the blogger templates. It simple uses the Google Blogger API to fetch the blogger posts into Wordpress.
The Blogger Importer script will however not import the Blogger images to your Wordpress installation. And there's no way to specify filters on your Blogger posts - everything will be imported in one go.

How To Share Files Across Your Home Network Using Python

All of us will ever be at home with a friend or a family member and want to exchange a few files quickly. This “How To” you will be able to “host” your files temporarily and your folders on your GNU / Linux using Python, and you can access via browser from any device connected to the LAN and WLAN.


Python is a high-level programming language interpreted, object-oriented and extensible. It is a multi-paradigm language variables are not typed, which allows Python to be versatile, fast and efficient. Precisely because of these characteristics, it proves useful to scripting.


Our goal is to have access to a Linux device file via browser from any machine connected via LAN cable (LAN) or wireless (WLAN).
But how?
What we need is a small server to boot from the terminal. The SimpleHTTPServer, this is the script name in the directory we will use

/ Usr / lib / pythonx.y /

is available in all systems that have installed Python version 2.5 or higher.
Given some element of theory, let’s practice!


We want to share the folder “mia_cartella” contained in one of the system.
We initiate the terminal.
Let’s move the folder to be exchanged: Use the command “cd” (change directory).

cd Desktop / mia_cartella

Finally we start the script. The syntax is:

sudo python-m SimpleHTTPServer 80

where 80 is the port on which to listen.
For more ports of 1024 can omit “sudo”.
This is what will appear: The server starts at localhost on port choice.
To end the session just press Ctrl + C

Now just find the IP address of the pc to share the folder with one of the many methods, I suggest sites like .
Point your Web browser connected to the device (W) LAN from which you access


proceeds with the IP address instead of “ipaddress” and the port you chose for the connection instead of “port”. The browser will display a tree structure, such as image, with the contents of the folder from which you started the script.


Warning! The script is recursive, so anyone can access it, can also display the subfolders.

50 - Google Secrets & tricks

Amazing Google Secrets, tricks and amazing facts I found all over the Internet. Just for you guyz!! Hidden secrets on Google.

Google is THE most used search engine on the planet and also the best search engine. People are not utilizing the full power of Google search and other features provided by Google. People only use 3% of the total Google power. Smart Google users utilize more than the normal power of Google. We will see how to go smart on Google.
Recently, I was doing some research on Google, and came across lot many interesting things about Google, and what Google can provide us. Google is just amazing in their innovations, especially the Google search technology. Google offers a wide varieties of services at your fingertips.
The Google secrets and tricks are a must to know for you. Some of the tricks and secrets people already know and aware of it, and some do not know about them. Please read on to find out the Google secrets and tricks.
Listed down are amazing stuffs I found about Google along with snapshots:

1. Google SSL: SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer

This is the new and in beta feature from Google. Google SSL is secure connection between your computer and Google server. Any third party can't your search queries and information. The main advantage of this service is, your search visits doesn't leave any referrer links to the visited URL. One more good feature of Google SSL is, you can speak and it types it for you.  To identity whether the connection is secure or not, you need to look for the http section ashttps. The URL looks like this:
Learn more from Google SSL help.
2. Google as Dictionary:

Google search can be used as your fast access dictionary. Questions can be asked to Google, for example "what is Google".
what is <word>
3. Find a File-type with Google Search:

Internet has various types of files uploaded all over, like .pdf, .doc, .ppt, .pptx and so on. It is possible to list only a particular type of files on Google Search.
4. Google Time in Search:

This feature is a real time display of the current time throughout the world.
5. Google Map with just two words:

6. Google as Calculator:
Google Search can recognize numbers and mathematical operators to perform calculation on the search bar. Some of the common and advanced maths operators recognized by Google are:
+ (Sum)
- (Subraction)
/ (Division)
* (Multiplication)
! (Factorial)
^ or ** (Exponentiation)
% (Percentage)
mod (modulo)
sine, cosine, tan, sec, cot
log, lg, ln
exp (Exponential function)

7. Google as Currency Converter:

<Number>Currency-to-Convert to <Converted-Currency>
8. Check the pages indexed by Google Crawlers using:
This feature can be used to search a particular keyword from the indexed pages:
try "post"
It would list all the results which has the "Post" keyword in the page.
9. Google as Weather Forecast

10. Google search to check Flight status

<Airlines-name> <Flight-number>
11. Search a Text in the Content:
To search a particular "Text" or "Keyword" or "Phrase" in the content of a website and not in the title, you can use:
See the result for keyword "Blogger".
12. Search a Text in the Title:
To search a particular "Text" or "Phrase" in the titles of search results. Use-
13. Google Search to check the stock market.

14. Search Mp3 of a particular singer/artist/album/song.
You can easily find an MP3 song on the Internet easily by narrowing the search by using the syntax:
?intitle:index.of? mp3
Try searching for Linkin Park songs this way:
?intitle:index.of? mp3 Linkin Park
See the result
15. All the Google Logos in one page by Google.
It is nice to see all the Google Logos together.
Find the Logos.
A very rare beta logo from Google.
16. Google dedication to Mothers all over the world.
A Google dedication for moms.
Find it below:
Google Moms

17. Google's Tribute to 9/11/2001 Tragedy.
Google's Tribute message to the people who met with the 9/11 tragedy.
Tribute of 9/11/2001
18. Go Green by Google.
Google Green.

19. Google MentalPlex on Fool's Day:
Fool's Day 2000 by Google.
20. Valentine's day special by Google.
Valentine's day dedication by Google to the World here.
Heart by Google.

Create Google Valentines day cards from here:
Google Valentine's day cards.
21. Rare Google Search Tips:
A good Google search Tips by the creators themselves for everyone.
22. Google Romance Search.
Sounds funny to me. This is really cool for those who are in love.
Here is Google Romance.

23. Google can search patents.
Google can scan through the thousands of patents all over the world.
Google Patents.

24. Google TiSP.
TiSP - Toilet Internet Service Provider. :)
Access Google from Toilet. LOL!!
Have a look at Google Tisp.

25. Google Gulp.
Google can now quench your thirst with knowledge. LOL..
Have a Look at Google Gulp.

26. Google Scholar.
This is an awesome search engine by Google, which can search through interesting articles and academic articles/books/magazines and many more. People do not know about Google Scholar. Here is the look.
Google Scholar.

27. Google Virgle.
"The Adventure of Many Lifetimes"
This is a 100 year plan for reaching Mars. :) It is nice to have a look at Google Virgle.

28. Customize your Google Search.
Wow, this is a good idea by Google to customize your search entries. Google Custom Search in beta stage.

29. Google cache
You can get the page last cached by the Google crawlers. It is archived by Google every time your pages are crawled. This feature can be used to check the site page, even if the site is blocked.
Get your cached page using Google cache syntax as shown below:
30. Search a Term in the URLs.
You can search a word or phrase in the URLs in the internet search results.
Search using syntax:
31. Comic Version of Google Chrome.
Story line for Google Chrome by Google Chrome team.
Comic of Google Chrome.
32. Google Books.
Find the latest books, old books, interesting books, their reviews. There are lots of categories and countless books in Google Directory. Check Google Books.

33. Google Products.
Do you know you can purchase your favourite products from Google itself?
Here is the link to Google Products, where you can search N number of items.
Google can actually scan through various shopping portals using this feature.

34. Google Grants.
"In-kind advertising for non-profit organizations"
Check Google Grants.

35. Google url Shortener.
You can now shorten your lengthy URLs using Google's

36. Explore Flu Trends around the World using Google.
"Google Flu Trends helps you to view the flu trend across globe"

37. Google is now Powered by Pigeons.
Google is now powered by Pigeons? Check this out at Google PigeonRank.

38. Google Artificial Intelligence.
Google CADIE is the world's first "artificial intelligence" based tasked-array system.

39. Google research.
Google news about latest Google researches happening in Google.

40. Learn Programming with Google.
Google Code is the platform to learn the codings from Google.

41. Google indroduced Gmail Paper.
Here is the new Gmail Paper. This is a new option available in Google Gmail.
You can easily request a hard copy of your message. Google will send you.

42. Google Alerts.
Using Google Alerts, you can get email or feed alerts when a new interesting search is done by someone. The topics you wish to monitor on the web like Blogging can be tracked using Google Alerts.

43. Google Catalogs.
Browsing through catalogs of printed materials on the internet with Google Catalogs. Available for Apple Iphones as well.

44. Smart intelligence and humour by Google Calculator.
Google can know the "Number of horns on a unicorn".

45. Find Population using Google Search.
Population <Cities-in-USA/Countries>

46. Google Timeline.
Know the Google history with their milestones in an Interactive Timeline manner on Google Timeline.
Check the Google history page as well.

47. Google's Unset History.
The Google unset timeline is an archive which is maintained by Google for 20 long years.

48. People going mad searching Britney Spears. A funny one!! lol..
Google has recorded people making mistakes while searching their star this way.Google mistakes for Britney.
49. Original images of Lary Page and other Important people of Google.
You can download the original images maintained by Google from their website.
50. All other features I might have missed out here.
Find the other features here.
Thanks for reading my article. Hope you liked them. Please share your views, ideas, anything missed out, and suggestions.