Unordered List

Saturday, November 24, 2012

How To Steal Passwords form Mozilla Firefox Without Any Software

Today I am going to share A new trick with you. With the help of this trick you can easily steal passwords of your friends from your college,Net lab/Cyber cafe using Mozilla Firefox. Just follow these steps.



  • Open Mozilla Firefox.


  • Click Firefox button at top. Then drop down a menu select option.



firefox password steal 



  • Select security Option and click on saved passwords.



firefox password steal security



  • Click on show password.



firefox password steal security show password




How is this information???????????………………

How To Make Facebook Chat Codes (Picture)


Chat codes are the easiest way to send images in Facebook chat, they can be seen by anyone without the need of an extension and are easy to use and make. You can also create your own chat codes gallery by just saving the codes on your computer and using them again later as all chat codes are reusable.

facebook chat with picture code






LOGO CODE  (For Facebook chat box)

[[378191795607423]] [[378191805607422]] [[378191802274089]] [[378191798940756]] [[378191792274090]]
[[378191882274081]] [[378191878940748]] [[378191888940747]] [[378191875607415]] [[378191885607414]]
[[378191965607406]] [[378191962274073]] [[378191972274072]] [[378191968940739]] [[378191958940740]]
[[378192048940731]] [[378192042274065]] [[378192052274064]] [[378192045607398]] [[378192038940732]]
[[378192122274057]] [[378192118940724]] [[378192128940723]] [[378192125607390]] [[378192132274056]]



How to make this image code ?

It is really easy to make Facebook chat codes, all you have to do is follow the 3 simple steps listed above and you are done!



  • Upload  a picture you want to convert chat code.


facebook chat smiley code


  • Wait Some time a code will appear.



facebook chat smiley code copy this to facebook



  • copy and paste that code to your Facebook chat box.







Enjoy now?????????????????…………………………..

Animated Text Generator For Facebook Chat (Number Code)


Friends This post contain how to make your own animated text for facebook chat? It convert letters to  code. Just copy and paste that code in facebook chatting box. Make your own  Animated text and enjoy.. Follow this post.

facebook chat text generator code




  • Enter Your Text and select font style.


facebook chat text generator 


  • Copy  that code  and paste to Facebook chat box.






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How To Set Auto Logout From Your Facebook Account With Firefox

Hi, Friens, today i share a trick to auto logout from your Facebook account after a certain time. Its work on Mozilla Firefox. Check it now.



Open your Mozilla Firefox web browser .



  • Click Add to Firefox.


Facebook auto logout


  • Download this addons.


Facebook auto logout download


  • Install it.


Facebook auto logout install


  • Now open extension menu press CTRL+SHIFT+A & set your time limit of auto logout (default time is 5 min).




Are you Happy????????????…………………

Friday, November 23, 2012

How To Change Twitter Color


Now i share a simple trick to change Twitter color scheme to anything you want using a colour selector. Follow this instructions and apply this.


color my twitter





  • Install Color My Twitter by clicking the colored button « Install now ».




Install for Google Chrome.


Install for Mozilla Firefox.


Install for Apple Safari.


Install for Internet Explorer


  • Follow browser’s instructions.


  • Restart your browser.



Twitter color changer pink


  • To change color click on top right white arrowand click ‘Color My Twitter’ item.


  • A colorpicker appears top left. Use cursors and arrows to choose
    your favorite color. Your Twitter instantly changes!


Twitter color changer


  • Click on « Finished »... That’s it!





Special Thanks to








How To Change Facebook Color


Now i share a simple trick to change Facebook color scheme to anything you want using a colour selector. Follow this instructions and apply this.



Facebook color changer example






  • Install Color My Facebook by clicking the colored button « Install now ».




Install for Google Chrome.


Install for Mozilla Firefox.


Install for Apple Safari.


Install for Internet Explorer


  • Follow browser’s instructions.


  • Restart your browser.



facebook color change to pink


  • To change color click on top right white arrowand click ‘Color My Facebook’ item.


  • A colorpicker appears top left. Use cursors and arrows to choose
    your favorite color. Your Facebook instantly changes!


facebook color changer


  • Click on « Finished »... That’s it!





Special Thanks to











Sunday, November 18, 2012

How To Make Google Fall Down (Google Gravity)

What is gravity?
Gravity is a force pulling together all matter (which is anything you can physically touch). The more matter, the more gravity, so things that have a lot of matter such as planets and moons and stars pull more strongly.
Now Google shows gravity effect . Just follow instruction.

  • Type “Google Gravity” in Search Bar.

Google gravity image

  • Now press : "I am feeling Lucky" button. You will see like below

  • Now see the Results and Enjoy.

  • To Start again just click on the Google Image and it will be restarted.

Are you happyyyyyyyyyyyyy???????????…………………………

How To Make Poison Virus In Notepad

Friends, Here i share some tricks about make virus in Notepad.  This is a simple trick .
It can be used to annoy Friends or Enemy.

This Virus would ask to choose a number between 1 - 5 and then do a certain action :

1) Shutdown
2) Restart
3) Wipes out your hard drive (BEWARE).
4) Net send
5) Messages then shutdown.

If you want to make this simple virus follow these simple steps :

  • Open Notepad.

  • Copy and Paste the following Code into Notepad :

  • Save it as PoisonVirus.bat

Make sure ,Your file extension like .bat

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

How To Hack Administrator Password In Windows

Friends, Do you want to any hack administrator password?. Now i share a solution to hack  password from friends computer.


hack a admin



  • Go to Run
  • Type CMD


  • Type Net user


  • Now you will see the all user account. . .


  • Select the user you want to change the password. .
  • Example . . net user administrator password


  • Their is require only one space between the words.


  • You will successfully hack the admin password. .





Happy now??????????……………………….

Friday, November 9, 2012

How To Add Disqus Comment Box On Blogger

Disqus is a global comment system that improves discussion on websites and connects conversations across the web. If you looking for a good comment box for your blogger.  Follow this post.


Go to Disqus website.

  • Click Sign Up at the top right corner.

  • Fill the blank, then click Continue.

  • Click on Blogger option and select Add widget option.

disqus comment box

  • Select Below option. It's automatically adding widgets to your blog.

 disqus comment box add to blogger

  • Save it.

  • Go to your website and check it now.

disqus commentbox example

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How To Add Scroll Back To Top Button In Your Blogger

A cool JQuery script that does all the work. This Bottom had a fade out effect and smooth scroll effect. This button having some good features that it appears only when the user scrolls down the page and disappears as he scrolls up.





Log on to Blogger.


  • Go To Dashboard and click Layout

  • Click on Add a gadget and select HTML/JavaScript

  • Paste the following code inside the gadget



Replace BUTTON IMAGE LINK with the image link of your back to top button.


  • Now Save It.





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Thursday, November 8, 2012

How To Add Free PHP Contact Form To Blogger

Friends, this is a way to contact with your costumer. Make a contact form and install in your blogger. Your visitors can Submit this contact form without Page refresh. To add this contact form no need to register.So you can add it in few seconds.And also this contact form integrated anti-spam.



foxy forms in master hacks



Go to Foxy form.

  • Select items you want to add in your contact form and decide they are mandatory or not.


  • Select your font color and form color.


  • Enter your e-mail address.


    foxy forms


  • Click on Create Formular Button.


  • Copy that code.


Log in to your Blogger.


  • Go to Page Option .


  • Create a new page.


  • Hit on html button


  • Paste copied code and save it.


  • Click on preview button.


If any one fill and submit this form, It automatic shows like below.



submit forms


Admin get a information about this message via email.


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How To Create A Separate Archive Page(Site Map) In Blogger


This is a simple trick to add  blog archives in a single page in blogger. This also known as blog site map.  Create your blog site map and enjoy with Master Hacks.





Log in to your Blogger.


  • Go to Page Option .


  • Create a new page.


  • Hit on html button


  • Copy and paste below code. 



  • Save it.





Are you happy????????………………….

Sunday, November 4, 2012

How To Add Facebook Login Button To Blogger

In this tutorial, I am sharing with you how you can add the Facebook Login button to your blogger/blogspot blog. If you have the button on your blog, your blog readers can easily log in and log out from, right from your blog without them going to website.



First we are going to make a new application for our website.

Go to   Facebook developer page .

  • Select  Apps option from menu bar.

masterhacks facebook developers page

  • Hit on Create new application and fill with your information like below.

masterhacks facebook developers page2

  • Save your Application and copy your Apps ID to Notepad.

masterhacks facebook developers page Application id

  • Go to templates, click on Edit HTML option and Proceed.

  • Find (Ctrl+F) <body> tag.

  • Paste the code highlighted below directly under it and save the template.

Find and Change YOURAPPSID with your Apps ID.

  • Save template.

  • After that go to Layout.

  • click on “ADD A GAGDET".

  • Select HTML/Java Scripts.

  • Copy and paste below code.

  • Save It and click preview.

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How To Add Auto Scroll Recent Post Widget To Your Blogger

Blogger default recent post widget is boring for all Blog users. This is new stylish auto scrolling recent post widget. Install it,  and leave a comment below.


recent post widget for blogger



Log in to your Blogger account.


  • Go to Layout.


  • Select Add a Gadget.


  • Select HTML / Javascript.


  • Copy and Paste the codes below:




Find (Ctrl+F) and Change Red Color values.Make your Widget better.

var numposts = 20;


var showpostthumbnails = true;

var displaymore = true;


var showpostdate = true;

var showpostsummary = true;

speed: 550,

pause: 5500,

showItems: 4,


mousePause: true,

direction: 'up'

<script src='http://YOUR


  • Save Widget .





Leave your comments below……………

Saturday, November 3, 2012

How To Create An Admin Control Panel into your Blogger

Friends,Blog administrators can create a new post or customize their layout with just one click; when the nav-bar is hidden, many more clicks are required to access the dashboard panel again. Now i share about add admin control panel into your blog.



Log in to your Blogger


  • Find your blogger ID from Browser address bar.


  • Go to template.


  • Hit on Edit HTML option and proceed.


  • Find (Ctrl+F) below line.


  <b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>

  • Copy and paste this code before above line



  • Replace all “BlogIdNumber” with your blogger ID.


  • Save templates

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How To Enable Email Subscription with Feedburner

Hai friends  Now i share a information about “How to activate email subscription in feedburner.



email subscription disable



First Setup a Feedburner feed.


If you have one already. Then follow these steps:



  • Click “My Feeds” and Select your feed from the list


  • Click the Publicize tab.


  • Click Email Subscriptions on the left side


  • Click  Activate button.






Are you happy now??????????……………….

Friday, November 2, 2012

How To Add A Contact Form To Your Website/Blog

Friends,How to add free Contact Form to Blogger ?.Now i share a information about add contact form into your blogger.This is a easy way to  contact  with your customers. Follow instructions.



At first signup/Login to Google Drive.


  • Click on CREATE button. Then drop down a menu select FORM option.





  • Then open a black page,Give a title to your form and edit question title,question type etc.





  • After complete your edits, Select a Theme for your contact form if you want.


theme for forms


  • Go back to your editing, Select more action and click embed code option.


get embed code


  • Copy embed code.




  • Go to your Website/Blog and create a page. Hit on html mode and  paste embed code.


bloggercontactform html


  • Hit on compose mode. After Complete your page edit save contact form.Type your Information and  hit on submit button.


Contact formin blogger





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Sunday, October 28, 2012

How To Post “Empty Status” On Facebook

This is funny trick to all Facebook fans. Post a empty post on Facebook with a code.

This is working


facebook empty post



  • Select update state


  • Just copy and paste following code.


@[2:2: ]


  • Then click the post button.




Friday, October 26, 2012

How To Add A Popup Message In Your Blogger

This is a special post for bloggers, This post about how to create a popup message in your blogger. If you want to show some message to your readers in a Pop up , then this widget will definitely help you. In this post I will be talking about a blogger widget which will include a Button and when your readers clicks on this button, a popup will appear, that displays your message, that you want to add.


popup message



  • Go to Blogger Dashboard --> Layout --> Add A Gadget.


  • Select HTML/Javascript and paste the code shown below in it.




  • Replace Message it with your button name.


  • Replace Visit for more blogger widgets with your message




Live Demo: 







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Automatic Read More Effect For Your Blogger With Thumbnail

Friends,Now i share Read More hack for Blogger with automatic Thumbnail creator script which will automatically create excerpts of blogger posts and with a thumbnail. It is help to decrease your page load time.




  • Go to Blogger Dashboard.


  • Click on DropDown Menu and select Template.


  • Backup your Template before making any changes to your blog.


  • Now Click on Edit HTML --> Proceed --> Expand Widget Templates .


  • Press Ctrl + F and find </head> tag.


  • Copy the code shown below and paste it Before/above </head> tag.



  • Now find <data:post.body/>


  • Replace it with the code shown below.



  • Now save your template.






Are you happy???????????……………………….

Monday, October 22, 2012

How To Crack Any Software And Run The Trial Version Forever

Friends , Sometimes we are trouble to run software  trail versions after expiry date. Now i share a useful trick to run a software after expiry date. This is working for me. If you want to lean more please follow this post.




  • Dowload RunAsDate v1.11 and run this software.   (I am using Windows7, RunAsDate doesn't work properly on Windows 8/2012 64-bit, and crashes the executed application.)
  • Browse software file you want to crack.


  • Mark two columns like above.


  • Click Run button



Download this software:



Download RunAsDate


Download  RunAsDate for x64





Note: After expiry don’t run such software’s directly else the crack will no longer work.







Saturday, October 13, 2012

How To Add Yahoo Media Player To Your Blogger


Friends this is a good media player to use in your blogger. .It is very easy to use and very attractive. Add this widget and enjoy.Keep follow this post.



  • Go to Template > Edit HTML


  • Select Expand Widget Templates.


  • Find  </head> tag by using (Ctrl+F ).


  • Paste below code before </head> tag.


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  • Save your template.

  • Go to Layout.

  • Click  “Add Gadget”.

  • Select 'HTML/Javascript'.


<a href="Your mp3 direct URL">Mp3 file name</a>

Replace Your mp3 direct URL with your mp3 URL.

Replace Mp3 file name with your Mp3 song name.

  • Now save 'HTML/Javascript' 
  • You are done.




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Friday, October 12, 2012

How to Find broken link on your website

If there have more broken link on your site, its not good for search engine ranking and your visitors also.For example if you put download link and it will not work,visitors will force to other sites.Therefore you have to fix it.So finding broken link manually is not really easy.some site have thousand of pages.but now there have software you can use it. you can check your broken link within 4,5 minutes.Follow steps.







  • Download the software. Click here


  • Unzip it and install to your computer


  • After run Xenu.exe file


  • Now go to left top and click File >> Check URL



  • Press Ok  after you can see broken link with red color  you can fix it.









Are you happy???????????????????????????

Add Google Talk Widget To Your Website

Google widget is help you to chat with your visitors.They will chat with you whenever you sign in to Google account.







  • If you don't have Google account click here and register Google account.


  •   Click Here to get  this widget.


  • Read instructions carefully





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