Unordered List

Monday, June 11, 2012

How To Make The Matrix Falling Code Effect

Hello friends, here i will show you how to make the matrix falling code effect in your computer. Its just a batch file with random numbers that repeat themselves one after the other. Try it.

Open Notepad and copy below code And paste it.

Copy This Code

@echo off

color 0a


echo %1%random%2%random%3%random%4%random%7%random%8%random%9%andom%entertainment%random%

goto top

After Pasting,save it like as yourname.bat
Run it and Enjoy!

 If u want to change random number's or letter's, just replace letter or number between % &%, and type "random% " after each word like "%1%random%2%random%3%random%4%random%".
Replace red color with suitable letters or numbers.

If you want to replace  letter color,copy above code find "color 0a"(CTRL+F). Replace red color with suitable color. List below

0 = Black              
1 = Blue
2 = Green
4 = Red
5 = Purple
6 = Yellow
7 = White
8 = Gray
9 = Light Blue
A= Light Green
B= Light Aqua
C= Light Red
D= Light Purple
E= Light Yellow
F= Bright White

* Save it only like .bat file .


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