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Saturday, October 13, 2012

How To Add Yahoo Media Player To Your Blogger


Friends this is a good media player to use in your blogger. .It is very easy to use and very attractive. Add this widget and enjoy.Keep follow this post.



  • Go to Template > Edit HTML


  • Select Expand Widget Templates.


  • Find  </head> tag by using (Ctrl+F ).


  • Paste below code before </head> tag.


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  • Save your template.

  • Go to Layout.

  • Click  “Add Gadget”.

  • Select 'HTML/Javascript'.


<a href="Your mp3 direct URL">Mp3 file name</a>

Replace Your mp3 direct URL with your mp3 URL.

Replace Mp3 file name with your Mp3 song name.

  • Now save 'HTML/Javascript' 
  • You are done.




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