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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Add Orkut Share Button To Your Blog - Promote Your Posts On Orkut For Free!


First things first: What is Orkut Promote?

* Orkut Promote lets you and your friends share YouTube videos, photos, or text with each other, so you can easily spread word of a funny video, a cool picture, or an upcoming event.
* You can reshare your friends promotions, and they can reshare yours, so the information can spread throughout orkut.
* Once you've promoted something, you can track how many people have seen your promotion, and how many of them have shared it with their friends or trashed it under the my promotions tab.

So basically Orkut promote lets you to advertise your blog posts/articles freely on Orkut (at least for a group of audience)...more on orkut promote here
Integrate Orkut Share with Your Blog - A Traffic Booster
Now this tutorial will help you to place orkut share buttons on your blog (similar to facebookand twitter buttons). When a visitor clicks on one of these buttons, s/he will be able to promote your posts through his/her orkut-promotions list.

Orkut ad replaced with a promotion event

UPDATE: As this tutorial requires you to add JavaScript to your blog, so an updated tutorial has been published on Blogger, to add exactly the same Orkut Share button without any Javascripts.

Instructions to follow:
Log in to Blogger -> Layout -> Edit HTML and click on the tick-box "Expand Widget Templates"
Find this code in the template:

And immediately ABOVE/BEFORE it, paste this code:
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
google.load(&#39;orkut.share&#39;, &#39;1&#39;);
google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
var params = {};
params[google.orkut.share.Field.TITLE] = &#39;<data:blog.pageName/>&#39;;
params[google.orkut.share.Field.DESTINATION_URL] = &#39;<data:blog.url/>&#39;;
var connection = new google.orkut.share.Connection(params);
document.getElementById(&#39;orkut-share&#39;).onclick =
function(e) { connection.send(&#39;;, {}); };
}, true);

Now search for this code:
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
And immediately BELOW/AFTER it, paste this code:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<span id="orkut-share" style="cursor:pointer; border:1px solid black">
<img src=""/>
To change/modify the display button, simply upload your image to any image hosting website (recommended - and replace the link in RED color with your newDIRECT LINK.
You may use any of these buttons too:



Save the widget.
Now if someone clicks on the "Orkut Share" button, then a pop-up box will appear like this:

NOTE: One can delete or create promotions manually from orkut too...


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