Unordered List

Sunday, October 28, 2012

How To Post “Empty Status” On Facebook

This is funny trick to all Facebook fans. Post a empty post on Facebook with a code.

This is working


facebook empty post



  • Select update state


  • Just copy and paste following code.


@[2:2: ]


  • Then click the post button.




Friday, October 26, 2012

How To Add A Popup Message In Your Blogger

This is a special post for bloggers, This post about how to create a popup message in your blogger. If you want to show some message to your readers in a Pop up , then this widget will definitely help you. In this post I will be talking about a blogger widget which will include a Button and when your readers clicks on this button, a popup will appear, that displays your message, that you want to add.


popup message



  • Go to Blogger Dashboard --> Layout --> Add A Gadget.


  • Select HTML/Javascript and paste the code shown below in it.




  • Replace Message it with your button name.


  • Replace Visit for more blogger widgets with your message




Live Demo: 







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Automatic Read More Effect For Your Blogger With Thumbnail

Friends,Now i share Read More hack for Blogger with automatic Thumbnail creator script which will automatically create excerpts of blogger posts and with a thumbnail. It is help to decrease your page load time.




  • Go to Blogger Dashboard.


  • Click on DropDown Menu and select Template.


  • Backup your Template before making any changes to your blog.


  • Now Click on Edit HTML --> Proceed --> Expand Widget Templates .


  • Press Ctrl + F and find </head> tag.


  • Copy the code shown below and paste it Before/above </head> tag.



  • Now find <data:post.body/>


  • Replace it with the code shown below.



  • Now save your template.






Are you happy???????????……………………….

Monday, October 22, 2012

How To Crack Any Software And Run The Trial Version Forever

Friends , Sometimes we are trouble to run software  trail versions after expiry date. Now i share a useful trick to run a software after expiry date. This is working for me. If you want to lean more please follow this post.




  • Dowload RunAsDate v1.11 and run this software.   (I am using Windows7, RunAsDate doesn't work properly on Windows 8/2012 64-bit, and crashes the executed application.)
  • Browse software file you want to crack.


  • Mark two columns like above.


  • Click Run button



Download this software:



Download RunAsDate


Download  RunAsDate for x64





Note: After expiry don’t run such software’s directly else the crack will no longer work.







Saturday, October 13, 2012

How To Add Yahoo Media Player To Your Blogger


Friends this is a good media player to use in your blogger. .It is very easy to use and very attractive. Add this widget and enjoy.Keep follow this post.



  • Go to Template > Edit HTML


  • Select Expand Widget Templates.


  • Find  </head> tag by using (Ctrl+F ).


  • Paste below code before </head> tag.


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

  • Save your template.

  • Go to Layout.

  • Click  “Add Gadget”.

  • Select 'HTML/Javascript'.


<a href="Your mp3 direct URL">Mp3 file name</a>

Replace Your mp3 direct URL with your mp3 URL.

Replace Mp3 file name with your Mp3 song name.

  • Now save 'HTML/Javascript' 
  • You are done.




Leave Your Comments…………………………..



Friday, October 12, 2012

How to Find broken link on your website

If there have more broken link on your site, its not good for search engine ranking and your visitors also.For example if you put download link and it will not work,visitors will force to other sites.Therefore you have to fix it.So finding broken link manually is not really easy.some site have thousand of pages.but now there have software you can use it. you can check your broken link within 4,5 minutes.Follow steps.







  • Download the software. Click here


  • Unzip it and install to your computer


  • After run Xenu.exe file


  • Now go to left top and click File >> Check URL



  • Press Ok  after you can see broken link with red color  you can fix it.









Are you happy???????????????????????????

Add Google Talk Widget To Your Website

Google widget is help you to chat with your visitors.They will chat with you whenever you sign in to Google account.







  • If you don't have Google account click here and register Google account.


  •   Click Here to get  this widget.


  • Read instructions carefully





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How To Add JQuery Lazy Load Plugin To Your Blogger Blog

This post will explain to you how to add JQuery Lazy Load Plugin to your blogger blog or any other website easily. This script is used to show a loader, when peoples open your web page.( For Example, you are thinking to play a PC game so before you could start playing you have to go through loading part.) This script is 100% working. If you want to insert Please  follow me.



loading_bar.gif (562×126)




Features of  Lazy Page Loader:
  • It is search engine friendly so it will not affect your Site Speed or anything.
  • It is compatible with almost each and every browser i.e. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and etc.
  • It has multiple Loading effects so you can choose according to your desire needs.
  • It has flexible coding so you can customize it without any hesitation whatsoever.
  • It will also help those blogs which take less time to load because the loading features will keep your visitors interested in your blog.


How To Install Lazy Page Loading Effect To Blogger:



  • Click “ Template” button.


  • Hit “Edit HTML”.


  • Proceed.


  • Find  ]]></b:skin> and just above it Paste the following CSS coding (CTRL + F ).



 Now from the above CSS coding Replace Loading-GIF-Here with any Animated Loading Effect ( Some effects are given below. Select one.)

  • Now again within your template Search for </head> and just above it paste the following JavaScript Coding.




  • Once again in your template Search for </body> and above it paste the following HTML code.




  • If you want loading effect on each and every page of your blog, Copy below code and paste it above </body> tag.





  • If you want to show This Loading effect only on your home page,Copy below code and paste it above </body> tag.





Select Animated Loading Effect :









Sunday, October 7, 2012

How To Customize Your Blogger Blog’s Bullet Point Style

Friends, Now i share something special for all.  Change your blogger bullets with beautiful images.
If you want to change blogger default bullets then find beautiful image but remember size of image should be very less or you need to add padding in CSS code.



Log in to your Blogger


  • Go To Blogger Dashboad


  • Click On Template Tab.


  • Now Click on Customize button.


  • Now Select Advance Tab.


  • Now scroll down and you will see Add CSS Option Click On It And Paste below code


.post ul li {
list-style-image:url(' Bullet Icon URL ');


Change Red color with bullet URL . Click here to find more bullets URL



  • Click on “Apply to Blog”.



If you need any help regarding this tutorial you can ask via comment any time.

Add 3D Social Icons with Rotate Spin Effect To Your Blogger

Last time we featured Paul Crowe created a stylish 3D widget for blog and Websites. This is  more easy to add  your blogger .Follow instructions.


Log in to your Blogger.

  • Blogger Dashboard > Layout > Add A Gadget > HTML/ Javascript

  • Copy and paste the code below:

<style> #social a:hover {background-color: transparent;opacity:0.7;} #social img { -moz-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out; -ms-transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out; transition: all 0.8s ease-in-out; } #social img:hover { -moz-transform: rotate(360deg); -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); -o-transform: rotate(360deg); -ms-transform: rotate(360deg); transform: rotate(360deg); } </style> <center><div id="social"> <!--Start Rss Icon--> <a title="Grab Our Rss Feed" href="YOUR-FEED-URL-HERE" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" style="margin-right:1px;" alt="Icon"/></a> <!--End Rss Icon--> <!--Start Email Rss Icon--> <a rel="nofollow" title="Get Free Updates Via Email" href="YOUR-EMAIL-RSS-URL-HERE" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" style="margin-right:1px;" alt="Icon"/></a> <!--End Email Rss Icon--> <!--Start Facebook Icon--> <a rel="nofollow" title="Like Our Facebook Page" href="YOUR-FACEBOOK-PAGE-URL-HERE" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" style="margin-right:1px;" alt="Icon"/></a> <!--End Facebook Icon--> <!--Start Twitter Icon--> <a rel="nofollow" title="Follow Our Updates On Twitter" href="YOUR-TWITTER-URL-HERE" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" style="margin-right:1px;" alt="Icon"/></a> <!--End Twitter Icon--> <!--Start Google+ Icon--> <a title="Follow Us On Google+" rel="nofollow" href="YOUR-GOOGLE-PLUS-URL-HERE" target="_blank"><img style="margin-right:1px;" src=""/></a> <!--End Google+ Icon--> <!--Start Pinterest Icon--> <a title="Follow Our Pins" rel="nofollow" href="YOUR-PINTEREST-URL-HERE" target="_blank"><img style="margin-right:1px;" src="" alt="Follow Me on Pinterest" /></a> <!--End Pinterest Icon--> </div><br/> <!--Start Feed Count Button--> <a href="YOUR-FEEDBURNER-URL-HERE" target="_blank"><img alt="spice up your blog" src="" style="border:0" /></a><!--End Feed Count Button--> </center>

Replace  Red with your own social profile and feed URLs.

  • Save It.

Leave your comments……………………………….

Saturday, October 6, 2012

How To Add Scrolling Text Box In Your Blogger



You may want to create a scrolling text box with code for your viewers to copy. Here is the way to do that. Copy the code below into Edit Html part of your Post Editor :



<textarea style="WIDTH: 332px; HEIGHT: 70px" onfocus=";" name="textarea" cols="14">PUT CONTENT HERE</textarea>

Replace or adjust the width,height etc, with your content. The above code will create a box like this :


You can left click once inside the text box and the whole text will be selected.



To create a text area to mark out specific text use this code :

<textarea rows="10" cols="15">


This will look like the following :






You can also add color ,font style,etc


<textarea rows="10" cols="40" style="background:#FFFF33;">YOUR TEXT HERE.....</textarea>


This will look like the following :








Add Colored Falling Star Effect To Your Blogger

Friends, Now i share a trick about add falling stylish star to your blogger. We are waiting to attend Christmas, So add this effect to your blog, It will make a fresh feel. If you want to add this,please follow this post.




Login to your blogger dashboard.


  • Go to Layout.


  • Click on 'Add a Gadget' .


  • Select 'HTML/Javascript' and add the one of code given below.



Copy Below Code




  • Save it.




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How To Add Stylish Snow Fall Effect To Blogger

Friends, In this post we have a very cool Snow Falling Effect With Bells you can use to super charge your blog over the Christmas.Christmas is coming and as you all know Christmas is the occasion of snow, peace and ultimate cool fun so Install this script to blog and make a glorious moment. Follow steps.


Log in to your Blogger account


  • Go to Layout


  • Click on  “Add a Gadget”


  • Select “HTML/JavaScript “


  • Copy and paste given code


<script type="text/javascript" src="">



  •   Save it.





How is it?????????????????………………………………..

How To Add A Moving Text (Also Called Marquee) To Your Blogger

Scrolling or marquee text is very attractive way to tell and write your blog news. and adding it to your blog makes it more attractive because it’s amazing way to tell your blog visitors your blog latest news.

It is so simple to add your blogger . Just copy below code and paste where you want to show news.

  • Marquee Code
<marquee>Add your text here….</marquee>

This will show as this :
Add your text here....

  • You can change direction, background, size, etc

  • You can change the direction of the text by using this tag in the beginning :

<marquee direction="right">
  • Instead of 'right' put 'up' or 'down' or 'left' as per your preference.

  • To add a background color, font color, direction, width etc. Code View:
<marquee direction="right" width="100%" style="background:#EC4F52"><font color="white">Add your text here.…</font></marquee>

This will show as this :
Add your text here...

*Change Red color and  customize News bar

How is this???????????……………………………..

Add Snow Falling Effect In Mouse Cursor For Blogger

Hello friends!, I am here  with a Simple and great trick. Snow falling in mouse cursor,You can decorate with this script and spice up your blog in Winter, Christmas , It'll bring more joy to your visitors. Follow instructions.


Mouse Snow Falling



Log in to your Blogger account



  • Go to Layout


  • Click on  “Add a Gadget”


  • Select “HTML/JavaScript “


  • Copy and paste given code



Copy Below code


  • Save It.




Happy…………………………….Comment below