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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon :- REVIEW


   Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (Luigi's Mansion 2) is an action-adventure puzzle game, developed by Next Level Games and published by Nintendo  only for the Nintendo 3DS. As sequel to the 2001  Luigi's Mansion, the game follows the same character Luigi, who is sent by Prof. E. Gadd, to explore various haunted mansions and capture ghosts using the Poltergust 5000, a specialized vacuum cleaner.

     Dark Moon, like Luigi's Mansion before it, replaces the traditional point-and-click interface with a suck-and-blow interaction. Luigi wanders around in full Ghostbuster regalia, but rather than toting an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back he simply wields a bi-directional vacuum and a flashlight. Suction (or, failing that, the reverse switch) holds the solution to solving nearly every puzzle in the game: You use it to pull cords, tear away shrouds, push back rugs hiding secret switches, and of course catch ghosts.


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